About EV Credit Hack 1.1… Want to hire 6 kestrel escorts but can't afford to keep up the payments? Tired of not having enough credits to buy all those ship upgrades and weapons? Well, worry no more. This is a simple patch, created With ResCompare, will hack your pilot file to give you over 2 billion credits. ***WARNING*** FOR SOME REASON, THIS HACK DOES NOT SEEM TO WORK WITH BRAND NEW PILOT FILES. At present, i am working on finding the conflict. It seems to be a problem within escape velocity, because the code replacement checks out against a manually edited copy, and works perfectly well with games saved at various dates and with an assortment of different ships. It is reccomended that you use a game you have been playing for a while, and keep a backup copy! As i find cles as to why this happens, i will update this field and put out future versions. It's quick, its messy, and use it at your own risk. -jim Credits: Jim Fron (--nightshade--) Finding the Hex that contains the credits. Putting together the patch, etc. (you know, all the technical B.S.) jfron@students.uiuc.edu http://www.students.uiuc.edu/~jfron http://www.cen.uiuc.edu/~jfron jim@artn.nwu.edu Lynn Amacher The messy work of plug-n-play to find a credit value large enough to make it worth writing this. Beta Testing. *********************************** Lynn's Readme, slightly revised: (brackets [] indicate changes by jim) [Lynn requests] as registration, for you to share your Mac tips, tricks, and resedit codes. [seeing as how i'm the only one with net access, to jfron@students.uiuc.edu] I'm currently working on my own homepage and would like to add your tips, tricks, rescodes and whatever else such as other little Easter eggs onto my page if you don't want your name used or would like a nickname used let use know. [let jim know] ARE YOU ILLEGAL? [For the beginner] Anther trick that we have used with escape velocity is the "clean sweep" this will clean up your game if you are illegal. [It will change your legal status in most sectors to "clean." DO NOT USE IF YOU DON'T WANT TO LOSE PLANETS YOU HAVE ALREADY CONQUERED! If you're that far along, you prolly don't need to use this anyways.] Change offsets 08A8-09C0 of pilot file MpïL #128 to: 5386AAD4EC99D72C15EA28F42A3A590CD645A9146A5E D6EC97A12B34A8E354CC593CAD54E947D2AC19582F742 6A8508CDBFBB1946404CE6C9C1F33B4A4614C4C5DA2B5 D4E2FDCA2C1F0637F4231E480CDF61B81460A2C9ECE1FD 36341E074BCC2218B454DE6BCDAC63B432749CCC4F8CA 5D7B0945A28D16CE67B2EB41B85534C249EACD4DDE1D52 C62222AF49E62570CA3BDAB145CC6D4ECE5D92D341A2B 52CC2674AF54DB8FD0AC649031749D904E8CA293B3945F ECCC6CE03735B460494A4CE05AB7D461A5C82C9EFE39F4 A306460C5F19BA14E36AC7EC1CB5383425CF49CCDAD0B6 5467D3CBAC982C3474A8744D8C598FB294E690CF6C1B93 30B424ED514CDD36AED46549D32C9D5A2CF4A2AA550C5F F5AD14E00ED2EC60112F34E01350CC WANT TO BUY A SHIP BUT KEEP THE CASH? If you want to keep your cash and weapons when you get a ship. Another trick we found is make a copy of your game before you buy a new ship. When you buy your new ship open the two copies in resedit. In the copy [before you bought the ship] delete your ship file and in [the one in which you bought the ship], copy the ship file and place it into the copy. Then open both of your pilot files, in the copy delete the 1st line, and in the after copy take the 1st line and place into the copy if you don't do this you won't have the ship. [of course, EVInstaship -follow the links off Ambrosia's page to the unofficial EV homepage- makes this hack utterly trivial.] Helpful tips *have a special folder away from the game to keep backups so you don't accidentally open the wrong ones. *date your backups-more helpful than backup by name. *Always make a copy-especially if you are working at 2a.m.-learned that the hard way. [2am is fine, 2am and so intoxicated you can't focus on the screen is bad.] have fun!